Want to join the fun? The various classes explained in detail.

Classic Endurance is dedicated to the safety and enjoyment of pure racing at a grass roots level racing with the goal of safe competition with out breaking the bank.
The speed limit is set at 80.99 miles per hour, monitored with a hand held gps unit, to encourage sportsmanship and a safer environment for all involved. With the maximum speed of 80.99 it will allow the engine combinations to live beyond many seasons, making the sport more affordable and less dangerous.
Any hull design is allowed –v-bottom or flat bottom. Any engine and fuel delivery system, ie: carburetor, blower, turbo-charged, fuel injection, including diesel etc.. V-drive, direct drive, jet and stern drive.
Interested in getting involved in a great affordable class of boat racing? Contact Todd Kelm (562) 493-4444 or click here.

Comp Jet (CJ) class is the only jet boat class of race boats racing at the Long Beach Sprint Nationals.
This class may use any hull up to 24 feet long with two stringers. Powered by a U.S. built automotive or light truck engine and a single jet drive used for marine applications, Chevrolet big block, maximum 515 cu. in. Cast iron cylinder block; aluminum heads are optional. Naturally aspirated, any form of carburetion or fuel injection is allowed. The engine is to be located forward of the jet drive, and the driver must be seated forward of the engine. Speeds in the class are in 85+ MPH range. This is a great way to get into the thrilling world of jet boat racing.
For more information on getting involved in Comp Jet racing, please contact Ron Lund (760) 803-5484or click here.

The CrackerBox Pro racing class started in the 1940s, using a two man crew of driver and riding mechanic. Powered by flat head V-8’s and straight 6’s at speeds of 45 to 50 MPH.
Today’s hull designs are much the same, with the addition of using fiberglass as an alternate hull material. Hull length is 15.5 ft. maximum, minimum weight of 1250 Lbs, engine displacement maximum of 314 CI’s, running on racing gasoline. Racing speeds exceed 90 MPH.
For more information: cbraracing.com

GPS-100 Runabout class is a fun, affordable runabout class.
Any naturally aspirated or injected engines up to 500 C.I. are allowed with a V-Drive. Using a GPS the top speed allowed 100.999 mph which is checked after every heat. Minimum Age: 18 years old Minimum Length: 17’ Min Width: 72” Minimum Weight: 1950 Lbs. (including driver and safety equipment). This will be the 1st year for an SCSC National Championship.
To learn more about this great entry level affordable class, please contact Tim Hoffman (480) 540-1660 or click here or Cory Ferguson (714) 614-4658 or click here.

The Grand National Class owes its heritage to the marathon races of the 60s and 70s. Races that covered 100 to 500 miles or timed events such as the Parker or Miami 9 hour enduro challenged hull and engine builders to supply their drivers with the best equipment. With the National Championship at stake today’s drivers will follow three basic rules: run hard, run fast and run long. GN racers have learned that to finish first you must first finish. Their day will not be over until they have wrestled their 3500 Lbs 21 Ft 900 HP boat past the checkered flag. For more info about Grand National racing, please visit gnboatracing.com

The K Racing Runabout (KRR) is the most powerful and fastest flat bottom class racing at the ARP Long Beach Sprint Nationals.
Using virtually unlimited engines and fuel, basically, anything goes. Drivers must be 21 years old and qualified, as these boats are extremely fast with its blown alcohol and injected engine running at speeds in excess of 135 miles per hour on the race course, the K-Boat is the most exciting flatbottom boat on the race course today.
This year the K Racing Runabouts have added several new boats/drivers. Driver’s are racing for the National championship and overall weekend championship earned by the most points from each of their heats. Fans should be ready for a great show! Driver’s must spend a prescribed period of time honing their skills before being “cleared” to drive in this class.
For more information on how to get involved in this class, please contact Mike Stock (208) 841-5980 or click here.

Sportsman Extreme Runabout class is a fun, affordable entry level runabout class.
Using only GM cast iron small block (350 CI) and cast iron heads derived from passenger or truck model vehicles. This class is one of the easiest of the racing flatbottom classes to get into sprint boat racing!
Minimum Age: 16 years old Minimum Length: 16’ Min Width: 72” Minimum Weight: 1850 Lbs. (including driver and safety equipment). Speeds in the class are 85 mph.
To learn more about this great entry level affordable class, please contact Leonard Frederick (480) 233-3666 or click here.

Welcome Race Fans to the spectacular world of Unblown Flatbottom Sprint Boat Racing!
Unblown Flat Runabouts (aka Unblown Flat) are a professional class of propeller-driven Flatbottom Racing Runabouts. The high speeds (120+ MPH) make Unblown Flat an exciting class to drive or to watch. These flatbottom boats use non-supercharged, 500 cubic inch engines driving forward through a V-drive; carburetion or fuel injection may be used. The same hull may be run in Super Stock, so you may see boats with SS/PS next to the number.18’ Flatbottom Sprint Boats.
For more information on Unblown Flat racing, please contact Paul Fitzgerald (704) 902- 7229 or click here.

Formula Light tunnel boats are a 13 Ft tunnel hull made of fiberglass, composite materials (carbon fiber/Kevlar) & marine grade plywood with a reinforced cockpit. Powered by a stock 45 C.I. Johnson/Evinrude outboard motor with a minimum weight of 700 Lbs (boat, safety equipment and driver).
The Formula Lights have racing speeds in excess of 80 MPH and fast turns with 2 to 3 G’s of lateral force. The Formula Lights compete on the Western Formula Light Series Tour with stops in Arizona, California, and Nevada. If you want to get started in tunnel boat racing, this is one of the most affordable, and fun classes to start racing.
For more information, please contact Jared Wallach (424) 205-3800 or click here.

Reaching back to the days of Modified “V” Production (Mod VP) racing in the 1970s thru the early 1990s,
Mod VP Classic boat racing brings legendary performance hulls back into the limelight. This exciting series host a number of circle boat races each year with boats by Stoker, Eliminator, Baker, Sleekcraft, GMT, Laveycraft and more.
The class relies on carbureted Mercury outboard engines built between 1976 and 1996. They are the V-6 models ranging from 2 liter to 2.4 plus with modifications pushing the over 200 HP and speeds in 80 mph range on the Long Beach course.
All of the Mod VP Classic competitors welcome you to boat racing at Long Beach Marine Stadium and look forward to meeting you in the pits where any one of us will take the time to explain more in detail about Mod VP Classic racing.
For more information, please contact Emilio Mijares (424) 205-3800 or click here.

Sportsman “C” and “20” Limited Hydroplane is an advanced class within stock outboard. They run on purpose built race engines imported from Japan. Like the other classes they use a 3 blade propeller. Driver’s can enter the class at 16 years of age in C and 15 years in 20. Boat, motor, driver must weigh no less than 440 lbs. in C and 400 lbs in 20. Speeds in the mid to upper 60 mph range depending on the class. These are highly competitive classes geared towards adults, due to the higher horsepower, speeds and minimum weights.
Outboard Limited Hydroplanes: Hydroplanes have a three-point design. Air is trapped underneath, causing the boat to lift and ride on this cushion of air, skimming across the surface of the water. There are virtually no restrictions on design or dimensions. The boats are custom built primarily out of Spruce and Okoume plywood. Newer designs incorporate the use of advanced composites which are lighter and stronger than traditional wood boats.
For More info about Sportsman Limited Stock Hydroplane classes please call Roger Hewson (714) 356- 1926 or click here.

Jr. (Junior) Hydroplanes are where most boat racers get their start as young as 9 years old. Utilizing a 15 hp motor (Evinrude/Johnson or Mercury), 3 blade propeller. Boat and driver must weigh no less than 320 lbs. Speeds in the low 50 MPH range. The Jr. Hydroplane class allows young drivers to gain experience to better prepare them for the larger and faster classes.
Sportsman “A” Limited Hydroplane uses the same motor as the Jr. Hydroplane with the restrictor plate removed (Evinrude/Johnson motor only), 3 blad propeller. Driver’s can start at 12 years of age. Boat, motor, driver must weigh no less than 345 lbs. or 330 lbs with a Mercury Mariner engine. Speeds in upper 50 mph range.
Young and old can participate in this “grass roots” level racing class.
Outboard Limited Hydroplanes: Hydroplanes have a three-point design -- only the two front sponsons and the propeller touch the water. Air is trapped underneath, causing the boat to lift and ride on this cushion of air, skimming across the surface of the water. There are virtually no restrictions on design or dimensions.
For More info about Jr. & Sportsman Limited Stock Hydroplane classes please call Roger Hewson (714) 356- 1926 or click here.