Race Teams & Fans, I'd like to take a moment to update you on the rest of the season, post Burley, which we're all looking forward to next weekend!!
Long Beach: As of now, according to the City of Long Beach (last week) it's still on Calendar, meaning it's still slated to happen on August 1 & 2, however, the City was very clear that that could change at any moment due to the fact they don't have clear guidelines from the State on sporting events with spectators. SCSC won't entertain running Long Beach without spectators for a myriad of reasons. So.....the long and short of it, we're still waiting and as usual, I will post an update as soon as I hear anything, either way from the City.
Lake Ming, October 3 & 4 - According to my last conversation with Kern County, late last week, it looks to be a go! I will know more in the coming weeks but the County Park's & Rec liaison seemed to feel we (SCSC) were going to get approval to hold the event. We may not be able to "invite" spectators to the event but we will soon see.
Enduro (October 31st) & 74th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta's (Nov. 27 & 28) - Both will happen however we may be racing at La Paz County Park as The Blue Water Resort & Casino has not yet re-opened and I'm in the process of making alternate plans just in case The Blue Water decides not to host events (which I'm told is a real possibility) not to mention the fact that like Long Beach, The Blue Water had mandated a $10 Million insurance policy (just like what we had to get for Long Beach last year) which poses a significant hardship to the organization (financially).
So, that's the update as of June 19th, 2020 and hopefully we will have the races mentioned above to look forward to this season!
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Burley next weekend at the 45th Annual Idaho Regatta! Going to be a great weekend of boat racing!
Ross Wallach, President/Race Director